Today's Inspiration

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." George Eliot

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

SF Conservatory of Flowers - Paradise Found

The San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers is one of my favorite spots in the city. It's serene and contemplative and never really that crowded or overrun by crazy tourists poking everybody with their selfie sticks.  It's full of amazingly beautiful flowers and plants and fountains and lily pads and interesting old statues and stained glass. 

I was lucky enough today to have some extra time before an appointment nearby so I was able to duck in and take these snaps.  I even talked the ticket seller into giving me the Senior Discount....bought a pretzel and a lemonade with the savings!  Quite a good day all around. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Well He damn well better not have got a tremendous amount of prayer requests in with Him that need answering...

Hahahhhahaa...I'm sure you do as well...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Sunday Bliss

Pristine blue skies, abundant sunshine, gentle breezes, warm temps - in other words, it was a Top Ten Day in San Francisco and I took full advantage. Armed with an invite from my friend Joyce to come-a-gardening at her house up in Vallejo, a big tall cup of joe and a fresh cherry scone I set out on my early Sunday morning adventure. Exiting the Ferry Building I see this:

And then, as I wait for the ferry to come in, I revel in the splendor of the day, dodging dodgy tourists, munching my yummy warm scone and getting properly amped up on my super-duper caffeinated beverage. Then the ferry blasts into the harbor and cruises over to the dock:

Me and my fellow passengers charge the dock and boardwalk, tickets and Clipper Cards in hand. We board our vessel and begin our hour long journey skimming over the outrageously blue and white capped waters of the San Francisco Bay on our way to Vallejo. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the San Francisco abounds and we're in awe. And to top it off I got to sit outside on the rear deck and watch the amazing, unfolding show first hand....AND I got to talk, laugh and share with my new friend Sandi (native New Yorker transplant...of course) the entire way.

To say I am blessed is a severe understatement.

It was an extraordinary working in the garden, lovely conversation, perfect summer weather and a delightful Tuscan inspired al fresco lunch accompanied by a couple of glasses of an ice cold, sweetly blushed rose. To top it all off, Joyce sent me home with an adorable little "Thank You" gift. It goes so well on my sofa, don't you agree?  Lol....

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Can't Stop Chuckling

Let me just preface this particular post by noting that I am well aware that it has absolutely nothing to do with the raison d'etre of this Blog. Now, having said that...

I don't know why I think this picture is so funny but every time I see it it makes me smile and laugh. I'm super supportive of what Bruce Jenner is doing and strongly defend his right to inhabit whatever gender he feels the most comfortable in. Having said that, however, I find this little attempt at levity and humor in the context of a rather serious subject to be oh so richly entertaining. I think it could be somewhat attributable to the look of consternation on the adorable little puppy face. Or maybe it highlights the confusion we're all feeling as we're more exposed to the world of transgender.

Or maybe it just reminds me of our sweet, little old beagle Tootsie; may she rest in peace. Or was Tootsie a he...good God, I just realized I don't remember Tootsie's gender! How ironic! Do you remember? Hahahaha...please let me know....