Today's Inspiration

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." George Eliot

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Friday, September 26, 2014

Longest Cloud

I meant to post this a few weeks ago but forgot.  I was spending a most productive day at Ocean Beach searching for beach glass (sigh....maybe one day I'll have a real life again) when I looked up and lo and behold - the longest cloud I've ever seen!  It literally ran the entire length of the beach.  It was insane.  The pics don't really do it justice and I didn't remember that I have Panorama Mode on my cell phone cam until after I left the beach....

Anyways, it was quite beautiful and I wanted to share it with you so enjoy!!!

Oh, and BTW, here's a pic of some of my beach glass "treasure" I procured that day.  I'll bet you wish you had some of my

One of THOSE Days (Think Positive!)

Yesterday was one of "those" days in San Francisco: brilliant, abundant sunshine; perfect temps in the high 60's; gentle other words, absolute perfection!  So what did I do?  I cancelled all my plans (hahahaha) and set out to one of my favorite haunts for a contemplative, refreshing, life affirming hike.  

There are several things I love about hiking San Bruno Mountain: (1) it's within walking distance from my apartment,  (2) it's lilting, cursive, tree canopied pathways remind me of home - Jodi, tell me those sun-dappled, pastoral roadways don't remind you of Waterstreet and Belfance Roads back home!, (3) there's a lovely little orchard-like picnic area where you can stop and read and have your snack and (4) there's an amazing pay off - sweeping views of San Francisco, the Bay Bridge and beyond.

I wish you could hike it with me, maybe one day you will, but for now here's a couple of snaps for you to enjoy and you can hike it with me in spirit!

And the "Money-Shot":

Friday, September 12, 2014



While out strolling the village of New Paltz (a mini-Woodstock type of town), I discovered this quaint little idyllic spot called Water Street Market.  A mix of eclectic shops, cafes and antiques in an outdoor setting at the edge of town (located ~1 1/2hrs north of NYC) it is nestled near an historic Huguenot settlement, at the foothills of the Sawungunk Mountains.  The Walkill River biking/hiking trail runs alongside, and you have the option of kayaking or canoeing as well.  On the weekend it's relaxing to sit by the waterfall and meditate (one of my fave breakfast nooks).  There's plenty to explore...I discover something new and rewarding each time...once I ended up unexpectedly in a nature preserve, then yet another time in a community garden. 
Can't wait for the fall foliage season to get out and bike!!




Monday, September 8, 2014

Peek-A-Boo Park

On Sunday, after a very uplifting and inspirational conversation with my (favorite) Big Sister, I decided to go back and revisit one of my favorite San Francisco nature haunts - Buena Vista Park. It's located in the heart of the city and it's pretty wild and rambling.  But the best part about it is that one second you feel like you're hiking a trail up in the Adirondacks and then you see this:

That's St. Ignatius Loyola and it's such a beautiful church, inside and out.  I go there to meditate and light a candle when my brain really starts revving up into overdrive.  From a distance it always makes me think of Istanbul for some reason.

Another glimpse through the trees yields this little peek-a-boo:

A little hard to make out but that's our iconic Transamerica Pyramid.  Pretty cool huh?