I meant to post this a few weeks ago but forgot. I was spending a most productive day at Ocean Beach searching for beach glass (sigh....maybe one day I'll have a real life again) when I looked up and lo and behold - the longest cloud I've ever seen! It literally ran the entire length of the beach. It was insane. The pics don't really do it justice and I didn't remember that I have Panorama Mode on my cell phone cam until after I left the beach....
Anyways, it was quite beautiful and I wanted to share it with you so enjoy!!!
Oh, and BTW, here's a pic of some of my beach glass "treasure" I procured that day. I'll bet you wish you had some of my riches....lol....
That cloud is undoubtedly the longest I've ever seen!! As for the comment about a "real life"...I'm as green with envy as some of that gorgeous beach glass that you have the opportunity to soak-up the moment and collect your "treasures"!! sigh, can't wait to be able to walk along the ocean again...maybe when I do I'll find some beach glass of my own!! :D