Today's Inspiration

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." George Eliot

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Thursday, November 20, 2014


While out walking one morning last weekend I wanted to capture some of Fall's last bright colors...I've always gone over the edge when comparing the contrast against the bluest of blue skies (and I know you have too, Greg...remember our hikes in years past?!) 
It took me to that place I find myself at quite often these days, and that is being grateful.  To once again reflect on just how blessed I really am in so many ways, and how much I have to be thankful for in my past and present.  Not only this, but (looking back at the beginning entry of this blog, which states how I feel so perfectly) I declare and believe that my future holds a release of even greater things to come!!  If only I just stay in faith and believe.
I also need to share that on this morning I decided to do something different, and that's to take a picture of my shadow (I've never done this before).  Quite eerily, I sent it to Greg in fun...he came back at me with his shadow pic that he just recently took!!  Now I know beyond a "shadow" of a doubt that we are truly kindred spirits!  Sharing our shadows below:



1 comment:

  1. I guess I really wasn't adopted as I've often previously thought because we really are "cut from the same cloth." The fact that we both took shadow pics nearly simultaneously is a bit freaky deaky to say the least but I love it! Those blue skies are phenomenal...
