Another awesome trip to Disneyland with Kim and Aiden. I find this photograph to be so awesome and amazing and emotional and memorable. Possible reasons: The son I never had? Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth? We really were the two coolest dudes at Disney that day? All the above? None of the above?
Regardless, I love this pic and even though it has little or nothing to do with the "Natural Catharsis" premise for posts on this blog I'm posting it anyways. Because I can. And the blog is half mine. So there. Enjoy!
Well, duh, it actually does have something to do with natural catharsis Mr. Smarty-pants mouseketeer!! You are allowing all these fantastic emotions and experience into your spirit, thus pushing out any old unhealthy junk!! :D Keep up the good work...(btw, you should like this pic, you look fantastic if I must say so myself!!)