Today's Inspiration

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." George Eliot

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Freezing Cold, Clear, Abundant Blue Skies: The Post-Thanksgiving 2014 Report

Everyone always talks about the calm before the storm but what about the calm AFTER the storm?  Well I think we're clearly on to something here because the morning of the day after Thanksgiving was reverentially calm, yet another gift from God - added to a long list of other gifts such as the beautiful Thanksgiving snowfall, Mom's continuing longevity, our mutual wit, grace and self-admiration and that deliciously juicy turkey you roasted.

I was awoken on this very special morning by the warm, bright rays of sun streaming in through the blinds on the windows of Jeffrey's old bedroom where I lay slumbering and listening to the annoyingly incessant cacophony of buzzing house flies swarming around in said windows.  Ah, so many contradictions, so little time.

Anyways, here's some snaps from my very brisk, very early morning walk as I wandered along the back roads on my way over to Mom's for breakfast with my two favorite ladies: 

And an earlier view from Robert's living room window as I got ready for my early morning walk:

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Thanksgiving!

This year I purposely planned my annual pilgrimage back to the East Coast to coincide with Thanksgiving (and the week before) in order to avoid all the fuss and mess associated with the large snowfalls which usually accompany Christmas and New Year's in the Northeast.

And what happened?  Well here's what the hell happened:

Yes!  Nearly a foot and a half of snow dumped on us two days before Thanksgiving!  All the homes, roadways, fields and woods in the area were transformed into a veritable Winter Wonderland - serene, peaceful, hushed, cathartic, blessed, albeit a wee bit cold and wet.  But what a great early Christmas present.  It's been a long time since I got to experience a good old Northeast snowstorm, it was a nearly religious experience and truly awe inspiring. It was equally amazing to be romping around in all this beautiful, fresh, newly fallen snow with my favorite big sister Jodi, nephew Tom and cousin Shaggy.

The snow itself was definitely awesome but the fact that I got to experience it with some of my nearest and dearest relatives made it even better.  Jodi: it's so amazing you could get so much time off and that we got a real chance to reconnect and refocus.  We also got a chance to walk, talk, hike, throw snowballs, bake cookies, drive Mom crazy (or should I say crazier), talk some more, play games, go shopping, bake some more, play more games, visit with favorite cousins (special shout-out to cousin Min) and see some old neighbors and friends.  It was the absolutely perfect holiday, so much needed and appreciated.

Kudos to Tom for making the long drive and deftly negotiating family and work relationships to carve out (special Thanksgiving pun!) the sizeable amount of time he did so that we could all fully enjoy the fun and games we got to enjoy together.  And I would be sorely remiss if I didn't mention that the post-Thanksgiving game of Sorry was truly epic.  Jeff and Sandra were both very much missed but maybe they'll be able to make it next year... particularly if, ya know, this becomes like a tradition or something.  Lastly, a special thanks to Robert for being such a great host, good sport and for introducing me to the joys of Lambrusco; most enjoyable...Bump connects Dotts...who the hell knew?

Of course I've saved the best reminiscence for last:  hats off to our spry, sassy nonagenarian matriarch, Winifred Josephine, for constantly imparting all the pearls of wisdom, positive thoughts and upbeat reflections she's gathered and embraced over her ninety years of living.  Hopefully she's not reading this because I've taken a bit of poetic license more honestly: We Love You Mom, thanks for all you've done and continue to do.  Please keep on doing it, we need you here, you totally rock!

Some favorite snaps (along with some light commentary) from our Thanksgiving 2014 Extravaganza:

Three Generations

Jodi and Greg Conquer Hadley Mountain

Tom and Shaggy: To Grandmother's House We Go

Jodi Frozen in Place

Greg with Snowdrift on Head and Stupidly Huge Snowflake Over Mouth

Like Father, Like Son (with Oddly Crooked TV)

Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Bottle

Jodi with Her Favorite Grandchild

Our Matriarch...Long May She Reign!

Gobble Gobble!  Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Arf!  Arf!  I Loved the Snow!  See Ya Next Year!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


While out walking one morning last weekend I wanted to capture some of Fall's last bright colors...I've always gone over the edge when comparing the contrast against the bluest of blue skies (and I know you have too, Greg...remember our hikes in years past?!) 
It took me to that place I find myself at quite often these days, and that is being grateful.  To once again reflect on just how blessed I really am in so many ways, and how much I have to be thankful for in my past and present.  Not only this, but (looking back at the beginning entry of this blog, which states how I feel so perfectly) I declare and believe that my future holds a release of even greater things to come!!  If only I just stay in faith and believe.
I also need to share that on this morning I decided to do something different, and that's to take a picture of my shadow (I've never done this before).  Quite eerily, I sent it to Greg in fun...he came back at me with his shadow pic that he just recently took!!  Now I know beyond a "shadow" of a doubt that we are truly kindred spirits!  Sharing our shadows below:



Monday, November 17, 2014


"While strolling thru the park one day, in the merry, merry month of May", wait just a minute!! Not May, it's early November...ugh, here I go again with the song lyrics in my head!! I admit that I just can't help but break into song when experiencing the envigorating effects of nature on my spirit.  
This post's for you dear'll recognize the various points of interest in NYC's beautiful Central Park, my most favorite place of all in the big apple.  I escaped work early one day a couple weeks ago and breathed-in the refreshing beauty of this wide expanse of nature.  Enjoy!!

Another San Francisco Gem

As if I needed another reason to absolutely adore my temporary, adopted home of San Francisco, here just a mere ten minute walk from my humble abode is the oddly eccentric Cayuga Park.  That certainly seems more an East Coast moniker (I'm thinking an East Coast Native American Tribe?) but it's pure Cali idiosyncratic - a modern day totem trail where you can go for a walk, jog, run and enjoy some interesting sculptural eye candy to boot!

I love this place and will definitely miss it much when I sojourn back to the place of my roots.  In the meantime, a few snaps to share with you...

Thursday, November 13, 2014




This is autumn at its best in the great northeast...made me want to break out in song "The hills are alive, with the sound of music"!! You get the picture! 
These are photos taken during Mom and my adventure to Thatcher Park on Columbus Day weekend, located just about an hour outside of Albany.  The weather was perfect for our jaunt, as we walked along the upper rim trail of what is known as the Helderberg Escarpment, where this photo was taken.  Then hiked down along the Indian Ladder trail which winds down, hugging the bottom of the ridge, in some places under a waterfall.  We ended our idyllic day trip with a picnic in the park.




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Friday, September 26, 2014

Longest Cloud

I meant to post this a few weeks ago but forgot.  I was spending a most productive day at Ocean Beach searching for beach glass (sigh....maybe one day I'll have a real life again) when I looked up and lo and behold - the longest cloud I've ever seen!  It literally ran the entire length of the beach.  It was insane.  The pics don't really do it justice and I didn't remember that I have Panorama Mode on my cell phone cam until after I left the beach....

Anyways, it was quite beautiful and I wanted to share it with you so enjoy!!!

Oh, and BTW, here's a pic of some of my beach glass "treasure" I procured that day.  I'll bet you wish you had some of my

One of THOSE Days (Think Positive!)

Yesterday was one of "those" days in San Francisco: brilliant, abundant sunshine; perfect temps in the high 60's; gentle other words, absolute perfection!  So what did I do?  I cancelled all my plans (hahahaha) and set out to one of my favorite haunts for a contemplative, refreshing, life affirming hike.  

There are several things I love about hiking San Bruno Mountain: (1) it's within walking distance from my apartment,  (2) it's lilting, cursive, tree canopied pathways remind me of home - Jodi, tell me those sun-dappled, pastoral roadways don't remind you of Waterstreet and Belfance Roads back home!, (3) there's a lovely little orchard-like picnic area where you can stop and read and have your snack and (4) there's an amazing pay off - sweeping views of San Francisco, the Bay Bridge and beyond.

I wish you could hike it with me, maybe one day you will, but for now here's a couple of snaps for you to enjoy and you can hike it with me in spirit!

And the "Money-Shot":