Today's Inspiration

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." George Eliot

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Friday, June 5, 2015


The pictures included in this post were taken during the most recent Mother's Day Extravaganza...a time in early May to celebrate Mother's Day, Greg's Birthday, Bob's Birthday, and just life together! 
It's all about enjoying this interlude...spending quality time together, to share our stories, hopes and dreams, possibilities for our futures, and contemplation of just about everything!!  We were blessed to be able to give our Mother a Mother's Day to remember...she said she couldn't believe that we were all together, having breakfast, attending mass at the Auriesville Shrine, and being a family...I'd say "mission accomplished"...we never know when any of us will leave this lifetime, so it's important and meaningful to let those in our innermost circle of life know they are loved and appreciated.
(On a lighter note...dear brother, polish-up your bocce-ball skills for the next time!! haha)

The Grand MaMa...can't wait to get into that Bear Claw!! Save some for the rest of us, wouldja?!
Geyser in Saratoga State Park, on our outing on Greg's BD
Radiant sunlight filtering thru the pine branches in Saratoga State Park
The Birthday-Boy, cutting into his cake (compliments of Cysty)...go for it Gleg!!

Flower bed on Bob's front of our koffee-klatch and enlightened reading to start our day
Flowering crabapple trees in full bloom in Bob's back yard...gorgeous herald of our extravaganza!
The Glegg posing for the camera in the Park...lookin' good at 58 on 5/8 !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AND MANY MORE!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to Big Sis for breaking the "blogger's block" logjam! Great post! So nice to gently ride down the stream of memories of our recent gathering. Beautiful...thanks so much Jodi...
