Today's Inspiration

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." George Eliot

"The best way out is always through." Robert Frost

Thursday, February 23, 2017

CLOUDS...CLOUDS...GLORIOUS CLOUDS we need to rename this blog "Clouds Catharsis"??? Lol....

The incessant rains finally stopped yesterday afternoon but some of the amazing, incredibly gorgeous clouds hung around a bit.  I was so glad they did! They created quite a spectacle out over the Pacific which I got to view from my cozy, warm little studio perched up on the hill....#SoBlessed!

I hope you can enjoy at least some of the inexplicable joy I receive from these stunning works of art!  They make me feel the limitless potential that exists in us all...and they make me feel that there is some design, as rough as it may be, to all of this.  TAG! YOU'RE IT! START POSTING DEAR SISTER - THE PRESSURE IS ON - COME JOIN YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!  HAHAHAHA....

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