After a year's long sabbatical from posting, I have reached peak levels of boredom and am determined to dust off and restart our fabulous, famous and simply fucking fantastic blog! I can no longer spend time reading and staying abreast of the news... everytime I try to I end up feeling extremely ill, like I landed in a story by Kafka or a Fellini film. And we are experiencing a new season out here in beautiful Northern California. I like to call it the Extended Monsoon Season and it's doing a great job of keeping everyone indoors for lengthy periods of time with nothing to do ...except wait for the rain to stop.
So I was trying to find ways to fill the void when I accidentally stumbled on our old blog and realized how much I missed sharing our adventures. I hope you'll join me in resurrecting the old girl! It's not only a fantastic way to stay in touch but the perfect way to share precious moments and our wonderful experiences cavorting in nature. I just hope and pray I don't get washed out to sea with all this torrential rain and flooding so I'll have more experiences to share with you. I know you're a heathen...errr I mean you're not at all religious but pray for your poor ark-bereft brother nonetheless.
As you well know I am completely obsessed with clouds and all that happens in the vast open spaces above us so here are a few snaps of this past week's views out over the Pacific Ocean taken from my apartment window:
6:15AM - Snow Moon Still Up
Late Afternoon Sky
Oops! That's a painting from the Getty Museum
Haha, that last one was my favorite!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously now...I now am thoroughly convinced that we're on the same wavelength, it's almost scary. Just yesterday as I was out riding my 🚲 our Blog crossed my mind! And here the next day my kindred spirit sibling posts...awesome!
Thanks Gleg...I enjoyed perusing the last few posts...will take up your challenge!